Friday 4 July 2014

The best Way To Workout

Did you ever wonder if you were working out right or wrong or what is the best way to workout. Well believe or it or not there is a very smart way to make your workout much more beneficial as well as rewarding.
What is the proper way to workout? As a professional trainer that made many mistakes training people in the past. The first thing i will have to say i learned was, if i don’t create a safe environment for my clients to work from I have already failed them as a trainer.
People follow many crazy workout programs, but most programs never pay attention to the warm up or the order of the exercises of the program. The worse workout programs I have seen came from known personal training certifications.
Here below I have put together some steps for you on how to workout that i took from the popular New Me System women program.
Step one: Warm up
Always warm up and what i mean by warming up is not just going to the treadmill or the bike for 5 minutes and do some static stretches. Warming up means preparing your body from every angle using the JamCore Warm up activation section.
The JamCore Warm Up activation will warm up stretch and open the following body part in order.
Lower back, middle back, upper back, hip flexors, hips, front thighs, hamstring, core and finally your trunk. If you want to learn the exercise just enter your email address on the home page here and you will get the full warm up activation for free.
Step 2: Workout routine
How do I set up a workout? Depending on your level and also goals. if you are a woman that like to work on body part like butt and legs, try to isolate them on their own. Train 4 days a week make sure your workouts a full body and a mix of core functional Plyo exercises. Take one day a week and do some sort of Yoga (Bikram Yoga is my favorite).
Step 3: Recovery
Most people will workout like crazy and never try to recover. This is why most of them burn out and end up not consistent. As I mentioned before training 4 times a week for 40 – 60 mins is more than enough. What I usually suggest for our followers and clients is to take the week end off. Use your week end to do some sort of bouncy recovery. Bouncy recovery is going for hikes with the family, or riding your bikes or go to the beach and chill.
Jamcore is the most dedicated fitness professional who provides the most effective bikini body workout for women.